Selected Photographic Publications

forest doctors

BBC Wildlife Magazine, „Forest Doctors“ October 2023

Die Aerzte des Waldes

National Geographic Deutschland, „Ärzte des Waldes“ September 2022


Cover in Cell Genomics June 2022

BBC Wildife Magazin, Survival of the friendliest, September 2018


TERRE SAUVAGE, „Qui est vraiment le Bonobo“ March 2019

current biology

Cover in Current Biology, Volume 28, March 2018

Cover Chances for Nature Jubiläumsheft 2016

All the World’s Primates. Pogonia Press 2016

National Geographic Kids “Animal Records” 2015


Terra – Faszination unserer Erde 3/2013

Underwater Paradise 2012

New Scientist 12/2006

NG 2006

National Geographic Germany 9/2006

GEO Slovakia 2006

GEO Spain 232/2006

Geo D 2006

GEO Germany 1/2006


Hilgartner R, (2023) Madagascars Tear Drinker. In: Magic Eyes of Masoala“ Armin Dett (ed.) Benteli 2023

Bontekoe ID, Hilgartner R, Fiedler W, Flack A., (2023) The price of being late: short- and long-term consequences of a delayed migration timing.
Proc. R. Soc. B 290: 20231268

Hilgartner R, (2019) COOP Magazine, Article about Bonobos (Magazine with the highest circulation in Switzerland)

Hilgartner R, (2019) BBC Knowledge Magazine, Singapore.

Hilgartner R, (2019) BBC Knowledge Magazine, Taiwan.

Hilgartner R, (2018) Feature article about Wild Bonobos in the Democratic Republic Congo ; BBC Wildlife Magazine.

Hilgartner R, (2017) Mythos Paarleben. Ein Blick auf unsere nächsten Verwandten. In: M. Brunner und C. Vogel (Hg) „Das Tierbild vom Mittelalter bis heute – Kunst. Kulturgeschichte. Zoologie, Michael Imhof Verlag. 134-141.

Hilgartner R Kappeler P.M. (2016) Red-tailed Sportive Lemur. In: Rowe N. Myers M. All the World’s Primates. Pogonia Press. 55.

Hilgartner R, Stahl D, Zinner D (2014) Impact of supplementary feeding on reproductive success of white storks PLoS ONE 9(8) e104276

Hilgartner R, Raoilison-Hilgartner,M (2012) Vodiondry und Funkenfeuer. Ein Vergleich moderner gesellschaftlicher Bräuche in Madagaskar und Deutschland. In: Pyritz L (ed) Madagaskar – Von Makis und Menschen. Springer Spektrum.

Hilgartner R, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM, Zinner D (2012) Determinants of pair-living in red-tailed sportive lemurs (Lepilemur ruficaudatus). Ethology 118:466-479

Fichtel C, Hilgartner R (2012) Noises in the dark: vocal communication in nocturnal pair-living primates. In: Master J, Gamba M, Génin F (eds) Developments in Primatology. Leaping Ahead: Advances in Prosimian Biology. Springer, New York: 297-304.

Fichtel C, Zucchini W, Hilgartner R (2011) Out of sight but not out of mind. Behavioral coordination in red-tailed sportive lemurs. International Journal of Primatology 32:1383-1396

Hilgartner R, Zinner DP, Kappeler PM (2008) Life history traits and parental care in Lepilemur ruficaudatus. American Journal of Primatology 70: 2-11.

Hilgartner R (2007) Kommunikation bei Primaten. 4 bis 8 Lehrerfachzeitschrift: Nr 7/8.

Hilgartner R, Raoilison M, Büttiker W, Lees DC, Krenn HW (2007) Malagasy birds as hosts for eye-frequenting Lepidoptera. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 3: 117-120.

Andriaholinirina N, Fausser JL, Roos C, Zinner D, Thalmann U, Rabarivola C, Ravoarimanana I, Ganzhorn JU, Meier B, Hilgartner R, Walter L, Zaramody A, Langer C, Hahn T, Zimmermann E, Radespiel U, Craul M, Tomiuk J, Tattersall I, Rumpler Y (2006) Molecular phylogeny and taxonomic revision of the sportive lemurs (Lepilemur, Primates). BMC Evolutionary Biology 6: e17.

Hilgartner R, Raoilison M (2006) Madagaskar: Amphibien und Reptilien der tropischen Trockenwälder. DATZ 7: 56-61.

Hilgartner R, Raoilison M (2006) Hoffnung für den Erhalt der Flachrückenschildkröte Pyxis planicauda (Grandidier 1867) im natürlichen Habitat? Marginata 12: 46-49.

Hilgartner R, Raoilison M (2006) Freilandbeobachtungen an Uroplatus guentheri, einem Plattschwanzgecko aus Madagaskar. DATZ 8: 24-27.

Hilgartner R (2005) Some ecological notes on the shrew tenrec Microgale cf. longicaudata in the dry decidious forest of western Madagascar. Afrotherian Conservation 3: 3-5.

Dolch R, Hilgartner R, Ndriamary J-N, Randriamahazo H (2004) The grandmother of all bamboo lemurs – evidence for the occurrence of Hapalemur simus in fragmented rainforest surrounding the Torotorofotsy marshes, central eastern Madagascar. Lemur News 9: 20-24.

Zinner D, Hilgartner R, Kappeler PM, Pietsch T, Ganzhorn JU (2003) Social organization of Lepilemur ruficaudatus. International Journal of Primatology 24: 869-888.

Schülke O, Hilgartner R, Zinner D (2002) Das nächtliche Leben zweier wenig bekannter Lemurenarten Westmadagaskars. Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoo 4: 179-194.

Hilgartner R, Zinner D, Ganzhorn JU, Kappeler PM (2001) Pair-living and stable territoriality in red-tailed sportive lemur (Lepilemur ruficaudatus). Primate Report 60-1: 24-25.